I help women create more influence in male dominated industries by confidently communicating their ideas and visions at the leadership table.

DOES ANY OF THIS Sound like you?

  • You know there is something more for you but you don’t know what it is and you don’t know how to get out of where you’re at right now.
  • Your most powerful self is starting to show up and say “Enough is enough! I want air time and I want space and you better do something with what I have to say!”
  • You’ve lost touch with what truly matters to you, including your value.
  • You think you could be satisfied with your current job but you’re not sure what it’s going to take to turn things around.
  • You are completely dissatisfied with your current career and are ready for a major overhaul. You just want to make sure what you choose next is more aligned with your purpose and values.
  • You know it’s time to step into greater leadership in your life and business yet you don’t have models for how to do this in a way that honors the feminine values of slowing down, listening to your inner guidance and asking for support.

Imagine breaking through the conformity of the male-dominated industry you’re in, getting your different ways of thinking and leading on the table, and believing in yourself so fiercely that nothing, and I mean nothing, can stop you from running towards your vision.